Model T 1150
Sectional Hardware Specifications
PDF’s – T-1150 Brochure
Finish: All door face hardware, tracks and track mounting hardware and torsion assembly mounting brackets to have a zinc coating of 380g./sq.m. (1.25 oz/sq.ft.) – ASTM A525 – 9 lb.
Track: 2.0mm (14ga) commercial galvanized track, formed track 54mm (2 1/8″) overall outside dimension. Vertical tracks sloped for weather tight closing; curves 305mm (12″) or 400mm (16″) radius, selection dependant on available headroom.
Track Brackets: 2.0mm (14ga) thick commercially galvanized steel, rib reinforced. Continuous Track Angle (optional at additional cost): Continuous track anglebolted adjustable type, fabricated from 2.0mm (14ga) commercially galvanized steel for full height of opening, adjustable to ensure weathertight seal. Continuous angle to provide continuous track support for full opening height.
Track Hangers: Min. 32 x 32mm (1 1/4″ x 1 1/4″) x 2.0mm (14ga) thick commercially-galvanized perforated steel angles.
Rollers: Steel rollers 46mm (1 13/16″) diameter with ten 6mm (1/4″) diameter ball bearings, 11mm (7/16″) diameter roller axles and inner and outer ball races of hardened steel.
Roller Brackets: Fabricated from 2.4mm (14ga) thick commercially galvanized steel.
Counter Balance: Helically wound torsion springs, manufactured from oil tempered spring wire, stress relieved, minimum 10,000 cycles. Aluminum diecast grooved drums and flexible, galvanized aircraft cables, 7×19 construction, mounted on 25mm (1″) tubular steel, 2.0mm (14ga) min OR 25mm (1″) CRS solid shaft keyed full length and mounted on ball bearings.
Locking: Interior slide bolt type
Finish: All door face hardware, tracks and track mounting hardware and torsion assembly mounting brackets. Hot-dip galvanized with 380g./sq.m. (1.25 oz/sq.ft.) zinc coating to – ASTM A525 – 9 Ib.
Track: 2.75mm (12ga) commercial galvanized track, formed track 80mm (3 1/8″) overall outside dimension. Vertical tracks sloped for weather tight closing, 400mm (16″) radius.
Track Brackets: 3.1mm (11ga) thick commercially galvanized steel, rib reinforced.Continuous track angle (optional at additional cost): Continuous track angle bolted adjustable type, fabricated from 2.4mm (13ga) commercially galvanized steel full height of the opening fully adjustable for weathertight seal. Continuous angle for continuous track support full opening height.
Track Hangers: Min. 32 x 32mm (1 1/4″ x I 1/4″) x 2.0mm (14ga) minimum commercially-galvanized perforated steel angles.
Rollers:Steel rollers 73mm (2 7/8″) diameter with ten 8mm (5/16″) diameter ball bearings, 11mm (7/16″) diameter roller axles and inner and outer ball races of hardened steel.
Roller Brackets: Fabricated from 3.1mm (11/13/14 ga) commercially galvanized steel.
Counter Balance: Helically wound torsion springs, manufactured from oil tempered spring wire, stress relieved, minimum 10,000 cycles. Aluminum diecast grooved drums and flexible, galvanized aircraft cables, 7×19 construction, mounted on 25mm (1″) tubular steel, 2.0mm (14ga) min OR 25mm (1″) CRS solid shaft keyed full length and mounted on ball bearings.
Locking: Interior slide bolt type.